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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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1. A punny sign
I've racked my brains, and really can't come up with a 'punny' sign I can take a picture of round here. The best thing I can do is an inspirational one:
Scrawled on the side of a bin, of all places.

2. A famous person
I was struggling with this one. I don't know any famous people. I thought. And then it occurred to me, yes I do. I've just read this book
and I know the author (if you haven't read it, do so). But then I thought, there's famous and then there's famous, so I decided to go for someone who may not be globally famous, but is kind of famous in these circles. I'm cheating slightly with the photo, as it was taken at the test event for Stockley Country parkrun, which was actually in December (if you think that's bad, wait until you see the date for 'My favourote'!), but here's me, with the Fetch-famous LindsD

3. Soap Opera
I don't think this one is still on TV anywhere, it used to be one of those daytime TV soaps I'd watch if I was home sick from school. Any guesses?

It's Take the High Road! If you follow that path it goes up the hill.

As an added bonus, I've also got this:
If I remember correctly, The Woolpack was the pub run by Amos Brearly and Henry (Mr) Wilks in Emmerdale Farm. Although my Dad refused to admit it was a soap because it was one he actually watched!

4. New Life
Our group of friends expanded just recently, with the addition of a second child in the family of one of our couples. She's beautiful, but she's not mine to share so I can't include her here. Instead, I'm going for a bit of symbolism, with the snowdrops heralding the coming of spring, which is always crammed with new life.

5. White stuff
We haven't had any of the "real" white stuff lately, but we've had a fair bit of frost. And this:

But I also like the white stuff in this one:

6. Leaves
Fewer of these around at this time of the year, but a visit to the winter tropics gave me this:
Palm fronds on a frosty beach.

7. Animal Track
I had hoped that Echo would oblige by leaving wet paw prints on the floor after one of our walks. But she doesn't like the cold weather that much. After harassing me to take her out for a walk she probably spent less time outside than it took me to get my coat and hat on ready to take her out! And when we got back in she went straight back to her favourite place:

And here she is on a warmer day, off exploring!

8. Lock
I went back to the gym today, for the first time after hurting my back. It was -5° outside, with a wind chill of -7°, so I was wrapped up really well, which meant there was really slightly too much for my locker, but I stuffed it all in anyway. Gym was busier than normal (I guess the New Year's Resolution people are still going at the moment) so I couldn't get a locker in the usual block I use, and was a bit concerned I'd forget which one I'd used (nearly everyone has the same Everyone Active lock!) so I took a photo just in case. And then when I got home I checked out the requirements for this month, and there was a lock!

9. My favourite
I'm blatantly cheating on this one. I'm taking 'My favourite' to mean my favourite photograph. OH and I like to go for walks in the country (that usually end, conveniently, at a pub). And whilst we're out I take endless photographs. This one isn't recent (it's actually from November 2014), it's a complete cheat, but it is one of my favourite photographs, of my favourite person, at one of my favourite times of day, and very near to a favourite pub of ours.

10. An interesting number plate.
I'm normally very good at getting the photo without the car in it, and purposefully taking a picture of a number plate where I live may seem a bit creepy, so instead I'm going to tell you what the photo would be if I had one. It's basically just a car with a foreign number plate. One of the things OH and I have always done to amuse ourselves when out and about is play 'spot the foreign number plate'. A point per foreign plate, with bonus points if it's a rare (for us) plate, like FIN for Finland, or something. We've been doing it for years. But lately it's become more and more difficult. There used to be loads of foreign plates on the roads round here, but, I guess because of Brexit, they're getting more scarce. I mean, we see our local PLs, IRLs, and ROs, with the occasional smattering of Ds, but we used to see Bs, CZs, DKs, Es, Hs, LTs, LVs, and so on. We don't count trucks, any sort of commercial vehicle, just passenger cars, and there are far fewer of them around nowadays. It makes me a little bit sad that we've lost some of the diversity we used to have round here. And not just for the purposes of our game.

But just to make sure there's an actual photo, here's another old one, some of the number plates pulled out of the overgrown ivy in our garden!

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LouiseRuns 🌹🇬🇧 🇪🇺

Runner (aren't we all?), cyclist, parkrun addict, and wannabe triathlete. Except I don't swim well enough for it yet (actually, the other disciplines aren't always that good either...)
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