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Manchester marathon 2022

12:00pm, 13th Jan 2022 | Manchester Marathon
Blog by larkim | More by this blogger | More bloggers
Training blog to keep on top of progress; work in progress until race day 3rd April

Week 1 - Planned 35m - Actual - 35.6m (51.2m if Nick run included)
Lost track of where I should really start, so the Monday schedule of 8m with 10x strides got missed. Substituting MLR with Nick on Sunday to cheat a little. Decided to try to drop alcohol for Jan at least to see if weight falls off.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20094707 - Sunday prior, 10 with Nick, HR higher than expected but this was the real start to marathon training after a week off
fetcheveryone.com/t-20100842 - Monday tired legs already but done
Tuesday rest
fetcheveryone.com/t-20109096 - Wednesday post FRC, 9 miles in lovely conditions and HR starting to be in the right place
Thursday rest
fetcheveryone.com/t-20116462 fetcheveryone.com/t-20116464 - Friday cruise but then proper strides, felt good
fetcheveryone.com/t-20119356 - Easy parkrun with Charlie with a bit of progression
fetcheveryone.com/t-20122945 - Strong 8 miles at 7:07 pace as part of 13 run, probably bordering on tempo rather than MP but faster than I thought I could go and hold on.

Week 2 - Planned 49m - Actual - 49.6m
fetcheveryone.com/t-20129877 - Monday 11 through the forest, moonlight, clear skies and frosty. HR higher but didn't watch the watch so "natural" pace. Pretty happy with that after Sunday effort
fetcheveryone.com/t-20133150 - Tuesday lovely 5m recovery, got pacing right and legs felt fresher at the end than at the beginning
fetcheveryone.com/t-20137491 - Wednesday first tempo session, set watch for anything between 6:30 and 6:50 pace and came out at 6:40. Blowing hard at the end but pleased to get done.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20144403 - Thursday rest day, Friday unmemorable easy 5 but HR starting to be more consistently in the 130s
fetcheveryone.com/t-20145023 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20145207 - Saturday had Alice round overnight so did early start of 17 to get to parkrun, then Ben made me run a bit faster than planned at parkrun. Good steady pace, HR in the right places. Mild worry that left calf is starting to feel a little tender, something to watch.
Sunday took as rest based on calf which wasn't sore at all, just playing on my mind.

Week 3 - Planned 53m - Actual - 54.3m
fetcheveryone.com/t-20155381 - Straight from work easy 8 whilst Sarah and Aidan in Manchester at concert, all good for first 6 miles, maybe psychosomatic calf query in last 2. Didn't do strides "just in case".
fetcheveryone.com/t-20159384 - Easy 6 getting lost on drama pickup, no dramas. Still no strides
fetcheveryone.com/t-20167554 - Wednesday rest, Thursday brief late run due to shopping, HR nice and low. No calf issues.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20171084 - Friday chose to run the Aston loop to see how close to 2017 I could get. 3x fajitas for tea meant not very. Felt very sluggish, lost some confidence.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20171966 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20171967 - Early pre-marshalling run, good HR but legs took a while to get going. Finally did some strides just 6 though.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20176775 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20176806 - Perfect weather for 20m on Greenway with 10 at MP at 7m21 pace. Saw the Bore ran in Zoom Fly.
No calf niggles.

Strong week.

Week 4 - Planned 51m - Actual - 54.0m
fetcheveryone.com/t-20184970 - Last minute decision to do intervals with HRC, felt good despite LR on previous morning
fetcheveryone.com/t-20187821 - HR suffered due to wind, hills and mealtime, could feel a little mini-niggle in left calf / thigh
Wednesday rested mainly due to work / sleep balance.

fetcheveryone.com/t-20196731 - Tempo out into headwind in new Zoom Flys was tough, sore ball of foot afterwards too.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20199621 - Friday night slog MLR again into headwinds out, but HR good. Needed to Compeed foot, worried it would hamper the rest of the weekend
fetcheveryone.com/t-20200620 - Marshalled at parkrun, gentle 5m beforehand sheltered from the wind
fetcheveryone.com/t-20204974 - Dropped 3 optional miles, did the plan's 17 out and back. Feared the wind and rain, but rain never came and wind was OK after late night out at Next Door.

Garmin helpfully reports training is "unproductive" as it's VO2Max has fallen from 54 to 53, but think that's more weather related than anything else. No niggles, weight coming down a little again.

Week 5 - Planned 55m - Actual - 60.2m
fetcheveryone.com/t-20213657 - Reluctantly got out over the 10k route, deecnt run
fetcheveryone.com/t-20219683 - Easy run after Ella, nothing special to report
fetcheveryone.com/t-20223884 - Strong MLR, set out aiming for about 8:00-8:10 but got greedy; consistent pace though and HR quite OK
Rest on Thursday
fetcheveryone.com/t-20230365 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20230373 - P&D tempo of 4 miles ditched for 2x2m tempo, good pace, felt in control despite no lunch
fetcheveryone.com/t-20231120 - As usual, too fast at parkrun
fetcheveryone.com/t-20235457 - Windy 4VHM+ 20 miler, tough in places but avoided shortcuts and sneaked over 60 miles for the week by accident

Tired on Sunday but another week under the belt without any disasters

Week 6 - Planned 63m - Actual - 56.0m
fetcheveryone.com/t-20240825 - straight in from work, dropped down from 9m based on tired legs, good HR
fetcheveryone.com/t-20244186 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20244277 - Usual Tuesday stuff and strides up in Runcorn
fetcheveryone.com/t-20251795 - First set of P&D intervals; similar conditions to 2020, about 10-15s per rep slower in new shoes, but good strong consistent efforts. Enjoyable!
fetcheveryone.com/t-20254391 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20254560 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20255411 - Lots of parkruns cancelled and VB HM cancelled, so did Widnes to Knowsley and back. Freezing cold and wet on return, character building stuff. Raced the parkrun quite well, would have liked a bit more speed though.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20258049 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20258728 - Village Bakery cancelled so ran with HRC with a bit extra at the beginning. Pace faster than I would have aimed for, and tired at the end after Saturday but good to string two hard efforts in a couple of days.

Overall week was good, lucky to avoid too much impact of storms. Miles down due to a few truncations due to firstly planning for Village Bakery and then not running it, but all sensible decisions. Holiday half term week next.

Week 7 - Planned 61m - Actual - 57.1m
fetcheveryone.com/t-20263509 - Tired legs after weekend's exertions at the start of holiday week
fetcheveryone.com/t-20266166 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20266327 - Tuesday night easy before good strides in drug dealer alley

fetcheveryone.com/t-20268827 - Shifted long run to Wednesday because of visiting Guildford, strong pace and HR was a surprise after starting apprehensively. Rested Thursday.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20275371 - Opticians forced 11am 12 mile run, didn't watch the watch and pace very good for this sort of run, especially over hilly route.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20277656 - Guildford parkrun, should have done 8min miling but didn't, good HR though.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20282375 - Borders at Deeside, pretty happy with pacing and Garmin even said VO2Max at 57. Plan would have had 12m with 7 at tempo in this slot with the LR moved around but definitely wimped out of that.

Overall a good week, legs feel refreshed strangely and HR definitely going in the right direction. Weight down to 75.6kg too by Monday, despite burgers.

Week 8 - Planned 59m - Actual - 56.4m
fetcheveryone.com/t-20287622 - 600m intervals, perhaps a few seconds off where would be good but felt strong and worked hard.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20291218 - Easy stuff around Runcorn's paths
Wednesday and Thursday out due to work
fetcheveryone.com/t-20301627 - Friday am up early at Crosby due to car service, good HR data, nice flat run. Was going to double-day it but legs truly knackered by the end of day so was apprehensive about over-doing it
fetcheveryone.com/t-20304594 - Cruised up to 9th birthday parkrun, aimed for sub 20 return and achieved it with 19:42, good run.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20308452 - Toby Carvery 17 miles, HR good, weather glorious

Another good week, nice to tick off the sub 20 and watch reporting 57 VO2Max consistently. Weight also down by Monday to 75.1kg. Seem to have avoided Covid from Alice.

Week 9 - Planned 58m - Actual - 60.9m
fetcheveryone.com/t-20315482 - Easy but HR a bit higher due to sniffly cold?
fetcheveryone.com/t-20318870 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20318922 - More slightly elevated HR but Tuesday eating usually the root cause. 6x strides too.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20322718 - 4x1200m paced by CPL, too soft at first but got to full on effort for the end. Pretty decent, but still a few s behind where I've been previously.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20326415 - 11 MLR, headwind out and put more effort on return. HR still affected by sniffles
fetcheveryone.com/t-20329739 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20329914 - Friday rested, then 18 up to parkrun with 7min miling parkrun ending for a 21m day. Pretty good, LR element felt tough around 14 miles but picked up nicely after early headwind.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20334099 - Spectating Aidan's 10k, legs felt good and well rested.

Couple of miles extra to tip over into 60 and all feeling good. Weight at 75.4kg even after pigging out after Aidan's race.

Week 10 - Planned 50m - Actual - 52.7m
fetcheveryone.com/t-20339111 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20339118 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20339185 - Switched Tuesday P&D intervals for Monday HRC intervals, 3x400m, 1500m, 4x400m. Felt good and fast, but 3m short on the plan
fetcheveryone.com/t-20343147 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20343148 - Usual Tuesday run but half-consciously upped the pace a bit towards the end and added some strides which weren't in the plan. Conscious my right glute etc felt a bit like it had gone backwards, possibly down to stretching out in the HRC intervals.
Wednesday rest due to work
fetcheveryone.com/t-20350568 - Easy Thursday whilst boys at rugby, decent HR
fetcheveryone.com/t-20354138 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20354139 - Gentle Friday plus 10x strides
fetcheveryone.com/t-20354768 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20354916 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20355946 - Windy up to parkrun. Hoped for me and watch suggested 30s better, but only 6s better overall. HR on run up and run back higher than 2 weeks ago. Gained a few miles as this should have been 10 incl 10k race.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20358751 - Final LR was a good one, some oddities about tracking in the forest, but put in 3 decent MP+ miles to finish, just as I did 4.5 years ago.

Tanda forecasting 3:11:40 or so. Left glute / hamstring a little niggly but probably will disappear.

Week 11 - Planned 39m - Actual - 40.2m
fetcheveryone.com/t-20364967 - Legs felt odd all day so did 1 mile loops first to check nothing really awry and continued on lovely low HR cruise for recovery. Legs felt much better next day
fetcheveryone.com/t-20369038 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20369042 - Nice short recovery, HR back in the post-food zone. Quick strides though, felt strong.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20377847 - 3x1m intervals, 5:40s more or less. Hard work but great weather and good outcomes.

fetcheveryone.com/t-20381052 - Super easy with Sarah
fetcheveryone.com/t-20381621 - Pre-parkrun volunteering last MLR of the plan, plenty of sun to get hot towards the end. But another good run progressing pace a little more than I should
fetcheveryone.com/t-20386514 - Borders League Mold, planned to run to MP but got a little carried away with a net 6:45m pace overall. Garmin now shows 58 VO2Max :-)

Tanda now completed, forecasting 3:09:32, no niggles etc so the plan is locked and loaded for a 1:35:00 first half

Week 12 - Planned 25m - Actual - 27.7m
fetcheveryone.com/t-20391273 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20391321 - A wild change to the script with me pacing Aidan at HRC track session so no pace other than strides, but HR good.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20395402 - Super easy, lovely HR, feeling positive
fetcheveryone.com/t-20398740 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20399507 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20399512 - P&D race rehearsal, didn't enjoy it and pace was a struggle. Wrong route choice possibly and weather not great.
fetcheveryone.com/t-20404634 & fetcheveryone.com/t-20404636 - Similar route to Tuesday but HR not quite in the same place, no niggles though so all good. Strides nice and consistent.

fetcheveryone.com/t-20406077 - parkrun with the boys, HRM went nuts but all the training is now done. Feet up.

So 'tis done. Weather forecast good, plenty of resting done (though 11:30 phone call ref Charlie not helpful). Sleep not great but no reasons not to stick to the Tanda based plan. Garmin still on 58.

Race - Planned 26.2m - Actual - 26.2m
fetcheveryone.com/t-20410268 - 3:08:34 :-)

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Got to 38 without really running a step, started a bit of running and found out I wasn't terrible at it. Gradually getting addicted to fetch forums... Now past 50 and still finding this curious past-time something I can't stop doing. Still hunting PBs, but getting more obsessed with WAVA by the day
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