6 new year targets (work in progress)

2:50pm, 18th Dec 2021 | 5 Comments
Blog by Sampson | More by this blogger | More bloggers
5.5 km run this morning

A steady run with my partner instead of Parkrun, and I was able to persuade her to join my bug squishing expedition. The red bits are where I sprinted off to make sure I didn't miss the bugs.

Today's selfie is extra dorky because I didn't realise I had the delay timer on from when I photographed myself planking for the 12 Days of Fetchmas.

Speaking of which, day 6 of Fetchmas calls for six targets for the new year.

These are all running / fitness / wellness / Fetch related. I won't bore you with my other life goals, which I promise you are even more boring than these. They might need some work but feel like a good start.

1. Run every day
2. Run two marathons
3. Do speedwork ~once/week
4. Practise mindful running >once/week
5. Journal every run on this here blog
6. Take more opportunities for sociable running (COVID-permitting)

Today's new record is On The Brink by Mark Murphy And The Meds. Good catchy songs, but I find the singer's voice grates on occasion.


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Plant eating, punk listening, beer drinking runner.
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