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November Treasure Hunt - with added BBC!

6:38am, 30th Nov 2021 | 7 Comments
Blog by EdJ | More by this blogger | More bloggers
Hatched a plan through the month to have a bit of a theme to this month's treasure hunt, and with a bit of refinement realised I could do it all in one go - and was blessed with a beautiful clear and frosty morning.

1. Something old

The early fifteenth century bridge over the Ouse at Great Barford - six miles downstream from Bedford. It is Grade I listed and a Scheduled Ancient Monument.

2. Something new

The bridge over the Ouse near the new development in Bedford town centre.

2.5. Something borrowed

So nobody likes a smart arse, but I couldn't resist... Temporary bridge (so presumably borrowed from somewhere) over the Ouse near Willington to access the gravel workings.

3. Something blue

Some interesting graffiti on the disused railway bridge over the Ouse, just heading into Bedford.

4. A church

The classic view of St Andrew's church in Bedford town centre, with the Town Bridge in the foreground.

5. A green sign

Abbey Bridge crosses over the Ouse to reach to Rink Islands, in Bedford town centre.

6. A yellow vehicle

A yellow van disappearing over Longholme Bridge, where the Ouse splits into two.

7. Something beginning with G

Some (very small) geese making their way under Kings Bridge, which accesses Mill Meadows, caught between the two arms of the Ouse in the Bedford town centre.

And some slalom gates taken from the small stone bridge just before Abbey Bridge.

8. Lest we forget

The war memorial on Bedford Embankment. You can just make out the suspension bridge in the background.

9. A bridge

Sorry... this was all I could find... On the Ouse Valley Way footpath near Willington Old Mill Lock - a few miles downstream of Bedford.

10. A Christmas tree

Best I could do was this magnificent spruce on the south bank of the Ouse (so big I didn't actually manage to get it all in shot). It nicely frames the arches of the other other side of the Town Bridge.

Thanks for the list Lip Gloss - it succeeded in getting me out of the house for a longer run than I would normally do, and it was nice to revisit the Bedford Bridges Challenge!

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Jumper and sprinter in my youth, started running in my middle age as insurance against unpromising family medical history, and now seeking longer and longer races as a way of stretching myself.
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