Manchester 2020 blog
10:41am, 15th Jan 2020 | Greater Manchester Marathon - Virtual
Blog by larkim
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Just to keep track of where I was at on the way up to Manchester.
Let's start at 1st Jan 2020. A few weeks of easy running, with the odd harder session thrown in (MACCL at Arrowe Park, couple of fast parkruns, 4VHM recce) had me feeling fully recovered from the calf ?tear? which prevented Chester being run. HR was still poor, weight was up closer to 74kg, but legs felt fine.
1st Jan parkruns with CPL / Sarah - Pontefract was OK, but felt I didn't have any real pace and stiff legs. Run across to Rothwell and I could feel hamstring tightening a bit, but wasn't too concerned. Rothwell parkrun was a bit of a struggle, a few slips, but final lap or so the hamstring felt a little tighter still.
No running from then until Cheshire Champs XC, but only managed a single lap before I decided hamstring was going to be harmed by carrying on. Rested Sunday (took CPL to Newcastle) and started 5m easy runs on Mon, Tues, Weds during which tightness gradually eased. Thurs ran 2m with Aidan, and then Friday set off for easy 4m expecting no issues, but after about 2m it tightened up worse and whilst I continued home to complete the 4m was in doubt about it improving. Started some hamstring and glutes stretches on left side.
Avoided running MACCL on Saturday and ditched the idea of a long run on Sunday. Monday was start of P&D 12 week plan...
Week 1 - 40.8m run
Monday 8m GA plan - ran just to enjoy it, no pain or tightness, plenty of puddles. Parked strides until next day - fetcheveryone.com/t-17034849
Tuesday bonus 5m easy - no real tightness, though legs not 100%. Strides in the car park afterwards ponderous but no consequences - fetcheveryone.com/t-17038638 fetcheveryone.com/t-17038640
Wednesday rest, Thursday 9m GA, back in the grey zone a bit but nice and comfortable - fetcheveryone.com/t-17047997
Friday rest, Saturday easy 5m pluc ice on way down to 4VHM bag packing - fetcheveryone.com/t-17052515
Sunday plan 13m with 8MP - glute tightened as soon as I turned on the MP running the 4VHM route in reverse, but stuck at it and ended up with 6:47avg and 160bpm HR for the 8MP miles, not a huge struggle though a bit above comfortable to the end. Time to watch the hamstring / glute etc fetcheveryone.com/t-17057369
Week 2 - 50.2m run
Monday rested to allow hamstring / glute to settle - no buzz club
Tuesday no athletics for Charlie so ran MLR, 8:20s out, 8:05s back. Left hamstring (different place) felt a bit dodgy at about 8m in but maintained the pace - fetcheveryone.com/t-17067122
Wednesday had lovely, very slow run with Sarah in the fog, felt very refreshed afterwards - fetcheveryone.com/t-17070820
Thursday tempo in ZFs, 4m tempo at 6:34avg, right side hip etc this time felt more uncomfortable than usual left side - fetcheveryone.com/t-17074564
Friday rest
Saturday progressive parkrun, quite fun - fetcheveryone.com/t-17078099
Sunday early doors meet up with Helsby and 20m with some stops, felt strong and recovered well - fetcheveryone.com/t-17082102
Week 3 - 55.6m run
Buzz club, 9m Monday along the canal in part in the dark - fetcheveryone.com/t-17088618
Easy 5 became 6 on Tuesday with no training pickup - fetcheveryone.com/t-17092430
Wednesday tested out new Adios with easy 5 - fetcheveryone.com/t-17098006
Thursday rest
Friday Brexit day, 11m round Delamere for the first time in a while - fetcheveryone.com/t-17105643
Saturday jogged parkrun with Sarah & Charlie at Northwich - fetcheveryone.com/t-17106683
Sunday dark early start on Greenway, 20 incl last 10 at PMP, pretty good effort - fetcheveryone.com/t-17110482
Quite impressed I've gone from niggly hamstring / glute to "normal" running legs by the end of this week.
Week 4 - 37.6m run
Monday travelled down to Tring so no running
Tuesday am 5m on treadmill, boring - fetcheveryone.com/t-17120241 - then another 5 around Tring in the evening - fetcheveryone.com/t-17122260
Wednesday up early on dodgy B roads but some good easy running for 10m - fetcheveryone.com/t-17124059
Thursday another early one, 11m down the canal, feeling OK - fetcheveryone.com/t-17127202
Friday day off due to getting back from course etc
Saturday Heaton Park MACCL, didn't feel too strong but PB'd most of the course so not too bad - fetcheveryone.com/t-17135904
Sunday completely wimped out of planned 17m run due to storm Ciara.
Annoyed with myself for not doing anything on Sunday...
Week 5 - 65.3m run (53 planned)
Buzz club cancelled late so did a long school night run, felt pretty strong - fetcheveryone.com/t-17142274
Windy recovery on Tuesday, good low HR effort - fetcheveryone.com/t-17145280
Very early Wednesday MLR due to work and other stuff in evenings, much better HR than expected (lower than previous night's recovery run) and reliable data - fetcheveryone.com/t-17146369
Planned to drop the tempo miles for Thursday, but changed my mind and did 2T+1E+2T in the middle. Good, not scintillating - fetcheveryone.com/t-17151560
Friday rest (finally)
Saturday parkrun in blustery rain. Wasn't going to run fast, but discovered at breakfast that VBHM was cancelled. Thought I was going quicker than I was, but sub 20 always nice - fetcheveryone.com/t-17155974
Sunday Storm Dennis not as bad as feared, but headwind out / tailwind back was nice. Decent HR too - fetcheveryone.com/t-17158757
Biggest 7 days mileage ever, difficult to get them all in but not overly tired by the end of the week. Happy with that overall, but shame VBHM cancelled as would have been good to see how "easy" sub 90 would have been.
Week 6 - 63.8m run(58 planned)
Monday night in Northwich, did 9 instead of planned 5 easy, nonsense HR data sadly - fetcheveryone.com/t-17163954
Usual Tuesday easy, did 6 instead of 5 - fetcheveryone.com/t-17166935
Rested Wednesday, day off went to the cinena etc
Thursday intervals, very blustery but managed fastest 5x1000m ever, very happy - fetcheveryone.com/t-17173309
Friday forced myself to do the MLR 12, more headwinds. Toilet stop at Tesco! - fetcheveryone.com/t-17175892
Saturday easy round Beeston Castle whilst waiting for JML, plus strides for the first time in a while - fetcheveryone.com/t-17177340 fetcheveryone.com/t-17177426
Sunday set out to do LSR 20, changed plan mid race and did Gobi 20. Big smiles - fetcheveryone.com/t-17180144
Back to back 60+m weeks is a first. All limbs feel OK, very minor left ankle tightness. Gobi 20 a real confidence boost. Half way there, pretty good so far, better progress than planned.
Week 7 - 63.7m run (60 planned)
Northwich again on Monday, ran from town centre along canal trying (and failing) to get decent HR data - fetcheveryone.com/t-17184907
Tuesday in hateful hail after being refused treadmill access - fetcheveryone.com/t-17188150
Wednesday finally nice weather for 12 miles via the switchback road, nonsense HR as usual - fetcheveryone.com/t-17191902
Thursday 2 for Lent - fetcheveryone.com/t-17194444
Friday had to get home early to do 5 easy, feeling quite spaced out, but new HRM giving nice data - fetcheveryone.com/t-17196848
Saturday 12 with 7 at tempo day - nailed the tempo at about 6:32 pace, despite headwinds, out near Delamere - fetcheveryone.com/t-17197705
Sunday intended on just over 20, ended up with 21 cruising in bright, but breezy weather. Strong HR again though - fetcheveryone.com/t-17201996
Third 60+ mpw week, feeling strong and all limbs working as they should. Pleased to now be able to access good HR data with new Polar OH1+, and busy work with main returns done and dusted.
Getting nervous about Covid-19 linked cancellation likelihood though...
Week 8 - 60.1m run (58 planned)
Easy 2 for Lent to start the week after a big weekend of running - fetcheveryone.com/t-17207690
After traffic chaos, 5m easy before eating out with Nick, excellent HR starting to come through - fetcheveryone.com/t-17211373
Supposed to be a race week (though I now know it won't be), so 5x600m as an easy set of intervals, good pace and good conditions - fetcheveryone.com/t-17215113
More lovely weather for Thursday 11m loop, sore ankle in the night after this though, something to watch - fetcheveryone.com/t-17218479
Friday night recovery after running Aidan to Manchester, legs were quite dead though strides were solid - fetcheveryone.com/t-17221107 fetcheveryone.com/t-17221108
Saturday overslept a little, no race or parkrun so just steady 10 with lifeless legs - fetcheveryone.com/t-17221683
Sunday did 4 watching Aidan's 10k, then 15 home with the last half HR and effort level feeling tougher than it should have done - fetcheveryone.com/t-17227178
Final 60m week, not chasing volume again. Ended the week feeling a bit less positive, with ankle still feeling a little sore at rest. 4 weeks to go, will Manchester get cancelled?
Week 9 - run (57 planned)
Week 10 - run (49 planned)
Week 11 - run (27 planned)
Week 12 - run (27 planned)
Let's start at 1st Jan 2020. A few weeks of easy running, with the odd harder session thrown in (MACCL at Arrowe Park, couple of fast parkruns, 4VHM recce) had me feeling fully recovered from the calf ?tear? which prevented Chester being run. HR was still poor, weight was up closer to 74kg, but legs felt fine.
1st Jan parkruns with CPL / Sarah - Pontefract was OK, but felt I didn't have any real pace and stiff legs. Run across to Rothwell and I could feel hamstring tightening a bit, but wasn't too concerned. Rothwell parkrun was a bit of a struggle, a few slips, but final lap or so the hamstring felt a little tighter still.
No running from then until Cheshire Champs XC, but only managed a single lap before I decided hamstring was going to be harmed by carrying on. Rested Sunday (took CPL to Newcastle) and started 5m easy runs on Mon, Tues, Weds during which tightness gradually eased. Thurs ran 2m with Aidan, and then Friday set off for easy 4m expecting no issues, but after about 2m it tightened up worse and whilst I continued home to complete the 4m was in doubt about it improving. Started some hamstring and glutes stretches on left side.
Avoided running MACCL on Saturday and ditched the idea of a long run on Sunday. Monday was start of P&D 12 week plan...
Week 1 - 40.8m run
Monday 8m GA plan - ran just to enjoy it, no pain or tightness, plenty of puddles. Parked strides until next day - fetcheveryone.com/t-17034849
Tuesday bonus 5m easy - no real tightness, though legs not 100%. Strides in the car park afterwards ponderous but no consequences - fetcheveryone.com/t-17038638 fetcheveryone.com/t-17038640
Wednesday rest, Thursday 9m GA, back in the grey zone a bit but nice and comfortable - fetcheveryone.com/t-17047997
Friday rest, Saturday easy 5m pluc ice on way down to 4VHM bag packing - fetcheveryone.com/t-17052515
Sunday plan 13m with 8MP - glute tightened as soon as I turned on the MP running the 4VHM route in reverse, but stuck at it and ended up with 6:47avg and 160bpm HR for the 8MP miles, not a huge struggle though a bit above comfortable to the end. Time to watch the hamstring / glute etc fetcheveryone.com/t-17057369
Week 2 - 50.2m run
Monday rested to allow hamstring / glute to settle - no buzz club
Tuesday no athletics for Charlie so ran MLR, 8:20s out, 8:05s back. Left hamstring (different place) felt a bit dodgy at about 8m in but maintained the pace - fetcheveryone.com/t-17067122
Wednesday had lovely, very slow run with Sarah in the fog, felt very refreshed afterwards - fetcheveryone.com/t-17070820
Thursday tempo in ZFs, 4m tempo at 6:34avg, right side hip etc this time felt more uncomfortable than usual left side - fetcheveryone.com/t-17074564
Friday rest
Saturday progressive parkrun, quite fun - fetcheveryone.com/t-17078099
Sunday early doors meet up with Helsby and 20m with some stops, felt strong and recovered well - fetcheveryone.com/t-17082102
Week 3 - 55.6m run
Buzz club, 9m Monday along the canal in part in the dark - fetcheveryone.com/t-17088618
Easy 5 became 6 on Tuesday with no training pickup - fetcheveryone.com/t-17092430
Wednesday tested out new Adios with easy 5 - fetcheveryone.com/t-17098006
Thursday rest
Friday Brexit day, 11m round Delamere for the first time in a while - fetcheveryone.com/t-17105643
Saturday jogged parkrun with Sarah & Charlie at Northwich - fetcheveryone.com/t-17106683
Sunday dark early start on Greenway, 20 incl last 10 at PMP, pretty good effort - fetcheveryone.com/t-17110482
Quite impressed I've gone from niggly hamstring / glute to "normal" running legs by the end of this week.
Week 4 - 37.6m run
Monday travelled down to Tring so no running
Tuesday am 5m on treadmill, boring - fetcheveryone.com/t-17120241 - then another 5 around Tring in the evening - fetcheveryone.com/t-17122260
Wednesday up early on dodgy B roads but some good easy running for 10m - fetcheveryone.com/t-17124059
Thursday another early one, 11m down the canal, feeling OK - fetcheveryone.com/t-17127202
Friday day off due to getting back from course etc
Saturday Heaton Park MACCL, didn't feel too strong but PB'd most of the course so not too bad - fetcheveryone.com/t-17135904
Sunday completely wimped out of planned 17m run due to storm Ciara.
Annoyed with myself for not doing anything on Sunday...
Week 5 - 65.3m run (53 planned)
Buzz club cancelled late so did a long school night run, felt pretty strong - fetcheveryone.com/t-17142274
Windy recovery on Tuesday, good low HR effort - fetcheveryone.com/t-17145280
Very early Wednesday MLR due to work and other stuff in evenings, much better HR than expected (lower than previous night's recovery run) and reliable data - fetcheveryone.com/t-17146369
Planned to drop the tempo miles for Thursday, but changed my mind and did 2T+1E+2T in the middle. Good, not scintillating - fetcheveryone.com/t-17151560
Friday rest (finally)
Saturday parkrun in blustery rain. Wasn't going to run fast, but discovered at breakfast that VBHM was cancelled. Thought I was going quicker than I was, but sub 20 always nice - fetcheveryone.com/t-17155974
Sunday Storm Dennis not as bad as feared, but headwind out / tailwind back was nice. Decent HR too - fetcheveryone.com/t-17158757
Biggest 7 days mileage ever, difficult to get them all in but not overly tired by the end of the week. Happy with that overall, but shame VBHM cancelled as would have been good to see how "easy" sub 90 would have been.
Week 6 - 63.8m run(58 planned)
Monday night in Northwich, did 9 instead of planned 5 easy, nonsense HR data sadly - fetcheveryone.com/t-17163954
Usual Tuesday easy, did 6 instead of 5 - fetcheveryone.com/t-17166935
Rested Wednesday, day off went to the cinena etc
Thursday intervals, very blustery but managed fastest 5x1000m ever, very happy - fetcheveryone.com/t-17173309
Friday forced myself to do the MLR 12, more headwinds. Toilet stop at Tesco! - fetcheveryone.com/t-17175892
Saturday easy round Beeston Castle whilst waiting for JML, plus strides for the first time in a while - fetcheveryone.com/t-17177340 fetcheveryone.com/t-17177426
Sunday set out to do LSR 20, changed plan mid race and did Gobi 20. Big smiles - fetcheveryone.com/t-17180144
Back to back 60+m weeks is a first. All limbs feel OK, very minor left ankle tightness. Gobi 20 a real confidence boost. Half way there, pretty good so far, better progress than planned.
Week 7 - 63.7m run (60 planned)
Northwich again on Monday, ran from town centre along canal trying (and failing) to get decent HR data - fetcheveryone.com/t-17184907
Tuesday in hateful hail after being refused treadmill access - fetcheveryone.com/t-17188150
Wednesday finally nice weather for 12 miles via the switchback road, nonsense HR as usual - fetcheveryone.com/t-17191902
Thursday 2 for Lent - fetcheveryone.com/t-17194444
Friday had to get home early to do 5 easy, feeling quite spaced out, but new HRM giving nice data - fetcheveryone.com/t-17196848
Saturday 12 with 7 at tempo day - nailed the tempo at about 6:32 pace, despite headwinds, out near Delamere - fetcheveryone.com/t-17197705
Sunday intended on just over 20, ended up with 21 cruising in bright, but breezy weather. Strong HR again though - fetcheveryone.com/t-17201996
Third 60+ mpw week, feeling strong and all limbs working as they should. Pleased to now be able to access good HR data with new Polar OH1+, and busy work with main returns done and dusted.
Getting nervous about Covid-19 linked cancellation likelihood though...
Week 8 - 60.1m run (58 planned)
Easy 2 for Lent to start the week after a big weekend of running - fetcheveryone.com/t-17207690
After traffic chaos, 5m easy before eating out with Nick, excellent HR starting to come through - fetcheveryone.com/t-17211373
Supposed to be a race week (though I now know it won't be), so 5x600m as an easy set of intervals, good pace and good conditions - fetcheveryone.com/t-17215113
More lovely weather for Thursday 11m loop, sore ankle in the night after this though, something to watch - fetcheveryone.com/t-17218479
Friday night recovery after running Aidan to Manchester, legs were quite dead though strides were solid - fetcheveryone.com/t-17221107 fetcheveryone.com/t-17221108
Saturday overslept a little, no race or parkrun so just steady 10 with lifeless legs - fetcheveryone.com/t-17221683
Sunday did 4 watching Aidan's 10k, then 15 home with the last half HR and effort level feeling tougher than it should have done - fetcheveryone.com/t-17227178
Final 60m week, not chasing volume again. Ended the week feeling a bit less positive, with ankle still feeling a little sore at rest. 4 weeks to go, will Manchester get cancelled?
Week 9 - run (57 planned)
Week 10 - run (49 planned)
Week 11 - run (27 planned)
Week 12 - run (27 planned)
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Got to 38 without really running a step, started a bit of running and found out I wasn't terrible at it. Gradually getting addicted to fetch forums... Now past 50 and still finding this curious past-time something I can't stop doing. Still hunting PBs, but getting more obsessed with WAVA by the dayProfile | Blog | Other Blogs