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Ian Williams aka Fetch

Recipes from the baking thread - bread

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This is the place to store bread recipes and bread-making tips. Please credit the original poster. Visit the thread for more baking chat and ideas: fetcheveryone.com/forum/baking-thread-51857/

This article is owned by LindsD



Spelt rolls (LMH)

500g spelt flour
10g fresh yeast or 1/2tblspn dried
½ tspn salt
½ tspn sugar
400ml hand hot water
2 tblspn olive oil
Mix yeast and water, add other ingredients, mix well. Put in fridge in lidded container (I use a large pyrex casserole dish)and leave overnight.
Preheat oven to 230C.
Place dough on baking sheet using 2 tablespoons, each roll will approximately double in size. Bake for 15 – 20 minutes or until hollow sounding when tapped on bottom.
Leave to cool on a wire rack.
Dough can be kept in the fridge for up to a week.

Sourdough for beginners

Bake with Jack's recipe is great and has a very clear video too (worth watching a few times).
Link (roll over me to see where I go)
(Link (roll over me to see where I go) for his starter.)

Two ingredient garlic knots (MandyMoo)

Link (roll over me to see where I go)

Miracle overnight white loaf

A minimal-knead loaf with an overnight prove
Link (roll over me to see where I go)

Recent Updates User Comments
Apr 2022 sallykate Added miracle overnight white loaf
Jun 2020 LindsD Add garlic knots
Jun 2020 sallykate Added Bake with Jack sourdough
Jun 2020 LindsD Article created

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