Jingle Bell Run

Listed by Gus
Entrants (4) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Gordo jogscotland 23:30 27:13 28:02 51.70
Gus Great atmosphere, but the weather was horrible!  The sound of all the jingle bells when we started was really nice, but by the time I'd got out of the park my bells had fallen off.  Rain was horizontal at one point with bits of hail but it was sooo cold.  I couldn't get the top off my water bottle at the end my fingers wouldn't work.  Saw a fetch clad santa cross the finish line just as I was starting my second lap of the park.  I'd would have managed a wee bit quicker but I was so cold. Jogscotland On The Run Cumbernauld 31:13 33:30 35:00 34:00 49.02
IainMcK Howling wind and rain - truly horrendous conditions.  Baltic before and after race but managed to heat up slightly during run. First time I’ve done the distance so difficult to tell how much the conditions affected performance. Unaffiliated 22:40 22:40 22:40 57.05
The Belly Is Gaun Tae Get Ye Despite the weather it was good fun running in a full santa suit and sunglasses. However the suit got heavier in proportion to the amount of rain that fell. Not bothered about time. Ran 1K with family who were dressed as Santas. Ride 63 19:33 20:09 20:30 21:51 61.48

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